Friday, November 03, 2006

Prayer Request!

Hey everyone! Back at home our church is putting on a event called "Eternity." It is a intense play that shows the consequences of excepting Jesus and not excepting Jesus as your savor. Many people so far have been saved and this event is continueing. My sister is playing a teenager that is pressured to have a abortion. She later sees the errors of her mistakes and asks Christ to forgiver her and come into her life. She later dies and is placed before the thrown of God. She finds that God has forgiven her and comes down from his thrown to hand her, her babey. It is a very powerful scene that gets people thinking. It shows them how God can forgive them no matter what they have done. But with this exact skit out of the many in the play it seems to be very powerful for the youth. So please keep my sister in your prayers as she trys to balance doing this play every night, working a job and doing school work.

You Know You Lived Through the Early 90's When.....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


For those in need of a laugh click on the videos below!

Its been awhile.....

I know its been along time sinse I have posted but the semester is coming to a end and the work is getting crazy as I count down to the week of finals. In order to get all my work done I have locked myself in my room and I probly wont come out till the end of the semester. So for all of you out there. Please pray I do not go crazy.