Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Break

Well Im now back home after spending a few days with my family and grandparents for Christmas! I had tons of fun, opened gifts and and ate to much food. But I had to keep in mind the real meaning of Christmas. To many people see Christmas as a time of shopping, Santa Clause, Gifts, Food and not Christ. The world has twisted the meaning of Christmas. Christmas is about Gods gift to us. The gift of His one and only son who would die on the cross for our sins so that we could spend eternity with Him. We should never forget about Christ's love and Christmas should remind us of that love.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Winter Break!

Thank God that the semester has ended and I get a two month long Winter break! Its been forever sense I have been able to post on here due to me being extra busy this semester. Hopefully next semester wont be so rough. I now have plenty of time to post random stuff so be sure to check my blog daily for update photos and video.


Whats new on DVD


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest became the #1 DVD of the holiday season, selling nearly 5 million units on DVD in America in its first day of release. Which puts it on track to become the #1 selling "live-action" DVD title of all time.

Amazing! I happen to pick up a copy of the DVD my self. And I have already watched it a few times and it is amazing. With the clarity of the DVD you can see with greater detail that ILM-(Industrial Light and Magic) put in the visual effects of the movie, especially Davy Jones which looks amazing. Which in 5 hours of bonus features there is a nice feature were they explain in detail on how they accomplished creating the CGI Davy Jones. There are so many other bonus features in this movie I cant talk about them all but you get the point. This DVD is amazing! I just cant wait to add Pirates 3: At Worlds End to my DVD collection, which the movie is due in theaters some time in May.

10 out of 10 stars!