Thursday, August 03, 2006

4th Birthday

Sigh... The days go by to fast. It feels like yesterday that heard my little brother cry from the hospital hallway for the first time. Since then my little brother has changed my life, he is my best friend. Just the other day I seen him walking funny along the hallway as if he was losing his balance. I asked him, "What are you doing?" Then he said, "Im walking like my brother." I couldnt help but laugh. Then later that day he was carfully watching me walk, then he said to me, "No, no! That not how you walk, you walk like this." Jacob my brother then walked perfectly down the hallway thinking he was helping his older walk. Not only that but it almost brought tears to my eyes a week ago when he said he wanted to be like his brother.

After all the great memories of me and my little brother watching starwars, playing starwars, chasing each other around the house and playing hide and go seek even though he would always ruin the game would I would say, "Oh, I cant find Jacob!" Then I would here his little voice yell out from under his bed, "IM HERE, IM HIDDING UNDER THE BED! lol! Now my brother turns 4 this weekend, I cant believe its been 4 years. O well Its life I guess. But even though I have moved on and have gone to college I will always be there for my little brother. I would post tons of pics full of great memories but I am having problems with Blogger.



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