Saturday, August 05, 2006

Returning to Boyce

Well my summer break is comming to a close and I will be returning to Boyce. Which is sad in some ways and great in others. First off as you all know I didnt really get to injoy my summer break, I have only been walking for a month. Two, I didn't get to make a movie with my friends. Lastly, my summer break flew by to fast. And here I am trying to prepare myself for the following semester.

But I must remind myself that God is in control and things are going to work out great. I can't wait to start my new classes, see my friends and help out with the Springdale youth group with the Butterworths. Oh and I almost forgot, Buffulo Wild wings on Tues. nights and late nights at Carver. I cant wait for the new semester to arive. Now come the time to live out the great adventures that are coming my way. I just need everyone to prayer that me knee dosn't go out again, that would be a bad thing.



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